Wednesday, March 5, 2008

TOTD, Mar 06

Worship Him

This life of ours could be a life that's full of worship. Worship our God. He who made everything, as the bible said: the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water, deserves all the glory, honor, and praises.

Look at the beauty of nature, the sun, the cloud, the moon, or even the fresh air that we're breathing, all of them come from God Himself.
Things that sometimes we've taken as a granted.
Today, let's realize His Goodness in our life and don't stop in worship Him in spirit and in truth. (-fon-)

He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."
---Revelation 14:7

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