Monday, January 21, 2008

TOTD, Jan 22

Taste And See

I started this morning in a rush. I got busy with my daily routine. I found that today's just another busy day.
But then, as I walked around this apartment with my baby, I could see from a different perspective.
It's not an ordinary day...!
I saw the white clouds decorated the blue sky prettily. And the birds were flying in the sky. I hold my breath for a while, fascinating by the beauty of the nature that God has created just in front of my eyes.

All I need to do is just taste and see.
Just taste and see the beauty of the nature and then remember once more that God has created it perfectly.

In case you've started this very day in such a hurry... In case you forgot how good our God is...
All you need to do is just sit back and relax for a while, look at the nature that has already shown that God is good all the time.
Just taste and see... (-fon-)

Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him
--- Psalm 34:8

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