Monday, May 28, 2007

TOTD, May 24

Exalt the Word, the Name, the Blood

No matter how difficult life may seem, God has promised to provide for His own. We become His own when we accept His Son Jesus as our Savior. God has assured us in His Word that we can live in victory if we keep our eyes on Him.

Part of keeping our eyes on Him is keeping His ways and walking in His instructions, which are found in the Word. All through the Bible we are told to exalt the Word, the Name of His Son Jesus, and the Blood of Jesus that He shed on the cross for our sins. We are to put confidence in the power that is invested in them. I believe it is vital to victorious Christianity for believers to do that as never before.

We do that by speaking the Word, praying in the Name, and asking the Lord to cover our lives, our loved ones, etc. in the Blood. We must not only use the Word, the Name, and the Blood in this way, but depend on them and place our faith in them.

We will walk in victory if we do what the Lord says.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony...
--- Revelation 12:11

My own reflection on this Thought:
* Talking about the Word, the Bible itself, is like a love letter that God has sent to us. If you find that reading bible is really boring and sometimes makes you sleepy, maybe you have to see it in different ways.
The bottom line is you'll have to experience the love of God. You feel the love tremendously in your heart and you'll find it rejoicing to read the chapters and the verses of it.
How can you be bored if you're reading a love letter? You might want to read it over and over again...
So, seek the true love of His and ask Him to fill your heart with pure love as well, so that you'll feel you love Him more...and then you'll find yourself in a hunger to know Him more, one of the best way is through the Bible. (-fon-)

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