Wednesday, July 30, 2014

TODAY, July 31- Strengthen Us, Oh Lord!

Strengthen Us, Oh Lord!

Some day in our life...
It might happen like what the Psalmist had experienced...
The soul that's weary with sorrow...
We're not made of steel...
It's really possible to feel disappointments and hurt...
But, do we have the courage like the Psalmist and pray to God that He will strengthen us according to His words?
Let's draw near to God and only God...
He's our true source of joy.

My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
--- Psalm 119:28

Teguhkanlah Kami, ya Tuhan!

Di suatu ketika...
Mungkin terjadi dalam hidup kita...
Seperti apa yang dialami Pemazmur ini...
Jiwa yang menangis karena duka hati...
Kita bukanlah terbuat dari baja...
Sangat mungkin kita kecewa dan terluka...
Namun, beranikah kita seperti pemazmur juga mohon diteguhkan oleh firman-Nya?
Mari mendekat kepada Allah saja...
Dialah sumber sukacita sejati kita.

Jiwaku menangis karena duka hati, teguhkanlah aku  sesuai dengan firman-Mu
--- Mazmur 119:28

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