Monday, July 21, 2014

TODAY, July 22- There's Always Hope

There's Always Hope

Maybe we're in the condition of wondering whether there's a hope after quite some time facing a difficult time.
Like Job, we might question this:

where then is my hope—
    who can see any hope for me?
--- Job 17:15

In the adversities, we can seek on God.
To entrust Him all of our hope to the Lord.
Once again, we believe that even the reality is totally different with our dream, there's still hope.
Because God is the source of true hope.
He knows the best for us.

Selalu Ada Harapan

Mungkin kita pernah berada pada kondisi mempertanyakan secercah harapan setelah sekian lama berada dalam permasalahan yang berat.
Seperti Ayub, kita pun mungkin bertanya seperti ini:

Di manakah harapan bagiku; siapa melihat adanya bahagia untukku?
--- Ayub 17:15

Di dalam kesesakan, kita bisa mencari Tuhan.
Menyandarkan seluruh harapan hanya kepada Allah.
Kita percaya sekali lagi, meskipun kenyataan jauh berbeda dengan impian, namun selalu ada harapan.
Karena Tuhan adalah sumber pengharapan sejati.
Dia tahu yang terbaik bagi kita.

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