Wednesday, January 22, 2014

TODAY, January 23 - His Own Love for Us

His Own Love for Us

God has shown His Love to us.
His greatest love was when Christ died for us even we're still sinners.

Today's reflection:
how often we accused God that He doesn't care for us anymore.
We thought that He's too busy to take care all of His Flocks so that He doesn't have enough time for us.
Is that really so?

Let's close our eyes and feel the beauty of His love for us.
His conditional love which He always provides for us.

But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
--- Romans 5:8

Kasih-Nya Kepada Kita

Allah telah menunjukkan kasih-Nya kepada kita.
Kasih-Nya yang terbesar adalah saat Kristus mati bagi kita saat kita masih berdosa.

Renungan hari ini: 
betapa kita sering menuduh Tuhan tidak lagi mengasihi kita.
Kita berpikir bahwa Allah terlalu sibuk mengurusi seluruh umat-Nya, sehingga Dia tak punya lagi waktu untuk kita.
Padahal, benarkah demikian?

Mari kita memejamkan mata dan merasakan betapa indahnya kasih-Nya pada kita.
Kasih yang tanpa syarat yang selalu Dia sediakan bagi kita.

Akan tetapi Allah menunjukkan kasih-Nya kepada kita, oleh karena Kristus telah mati untuk kita,   ketika kita masih berdosa.
--- Roma 5:8

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