Wednesday, October 2, 2013

TODAY, October 03 – Let’s Proclaim, The Lord is King!

Let’s Proclaim, The Lord is King!

The Lord is King, He reigns on heavens and earth…
Let Him reign forever…
Of all the world and everything on earth…
And also in this life…
Let God be the King and become the centre of our life.

Tell the heavens and the earth
    to be glad and celebrate!
And announce to the nations,
    “The Lord is King!”
--- 1 Chronicles 16:31

Marilah Menyatakan Tuhan itu Raja!

Tuhan itu Raja, Dia bertakhta atas langit dan bumi.
Biarlah selama-lamanya Dia berkuasa…
Atas dunia dan seluruh isinya…
Juga di dalam kehidupan ini…
Biarlah Allah tetap meraja dan senantiasa menjadi pusat hidup kita…

Biarlah langit bersukacita dan bumi bersorak-sorak,  biarlah orang berkata di antara bangsa-bangsa: "TUHAN itu Raja!

--- 1 Tawarikh 16:31

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