Wednesday, August 29, 2007

TOTD, August 29

Be the Best "You"!

God's grace will never be available to you to become another person. He created you to be you --- the best "you" you can be! Forget trying to be someone else.

But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
--- Ephesians 4:7

My own reflection on this Thought:
* In your imagination, have you ever wondered what your life would be if you become: Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Victoria Beckham, Tamara Blezinski, or Ari Wibowo? Or maybe the winner of a noble prize?
Well, God has never wanted us to become another person. All He asks of us: is just being content and try to live our life to the fullest in Him.
We have our own strength and weaknesses, He just want us to bring our best in this life.
Be the best us, that's the best thing to do! (-fon-)

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