Monday, September 29, 2014

TODAY, September 30- To the Glory of the Father

For The Glory of the Father

Becoming Christ's disciples, not only by words in our mouth.
Not only memorizing the bible verses either...
But, more than all of that...
Have we borne much fruit in Him?
Do the lives that we're currently living show the world that we're His disciples?

Hopefully, our act is always full of God's love.
All for the Glory of the Father.

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
--- John 15:8

Demi Kemuliaan Bapa

Menjadi pengikut Kristus, bukanlah sekadar ucapan di bibir saja.
Bukan pula hanya melulu menghafalkan ayat-ayat Kitab Suci.
Namun, terlebih daripada itu semua...
Apakah kita berbuah di dalam Dia?
Apakah kehidupan yang kita jalani menunjukkan bahwa kita adalah pengikut-Nya?

Semoga tindakan kita juga dipenuhi oleh kasih Allah.
Semuanya demi kemuliaan Bapa.

Kalau kalian berbuah banyak, Bapa-Ku diagungkan; dan dengan demikian kalian betul-betul menjadi pengikut-Ku.
--- Yohanes 15:8

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