Tuesday, February 4, 2014

TODAY, February 05 - To Live is Christ

To Live is Christ

Paul-the Apostle- has once said that for him to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Our lives that we're going through, won't be the same once we found Jesus Christ.
And may this experience be reflected on our daily life and in our actions.
One day, when we have to reunite with Him in eternity, we'll be able to take responsibility for the lives that we've been through in this world.
And to die won't be so scary anymore, because we know that God will be there.
As long as we live, let' keep the faith and say, " To live is Christ."

For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity].
--- Philippians 1:21

Hidup Adalah Kristus

Rasul Paulus pernah berkata bahwa hidup baginya adalah Kristus dan mati adalah keuntungan.
Hidup yang kita jalani, tidak lagi sama setelah mengenal Yesus Kristus.
Dan semoga itu pun terpancar dalam keseharian kita dan tindakan kita.
Suatu saat nanti, ketika harus kembali bersatu dengan-Nya dalam keabadian, kita pun bisa mempertanggungjawabkan kehidupan yang kita jalani selama di dunia dengan baik.
Dan kematian pun tidak lagi sebegitu menakutkan, karena kita tahu Allah berada di sana.
Selama hidup, mari terus memperjuangkan iman dan berseru," Hidup adalah Kristus."

Karena bagiku hidup adalah Kristus  dan mati adalah keuntungan 
--- Filipi 1:21

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