Tuesday, February 26, 2008

TOTD, Feb 25

Our God is Good

When we're facing problems, we might wonder whether our God is really good. It's easy to say and keep praising that God is Good all the time while we're happy, successful, or in a very good condition.
But what if all goes wrong? Can we still say that our God is good?

One thing that we need to remember, despite what happen in the present, despite what will happen in the future, nothing can change that!
Nothing can change that our God is good right now and forever.
The main problem is we fail to see or we still can't see His wonderful plan for us.
Keep the faith, keep on hoping and realizing that His goodness won't change.
Forever and ever, He is Good. (-fon-)

Good and upright is the LORD;
therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.
--- Psalm 25:8

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