Sunday, February 17, 2008

TOTD, Feb 18

Listen to Him

Today I went to a church in Clementi area. And this verse was on the altar of the church.
I kept repeating it over and over again. I kept reading it over and over again.
The message is still echoing in my ear until now.

Listen to Him!
How many times we failed to listen to Him? Maybe because we're too stubborn and over confident?
Or we're too focused with our wishes and problems while we're praying so we fail to listen to His soft whispering in our ear.

So, when we pray, we need to listen to Him. Because praying is a two-way-communications. We need to listen as much as we talk.
Have you listened to Him? Why don't we start now...? (-fon-)

Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud, "This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!"
---Mark 9:7

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