Wednesday, April 11, 2007

TOTD, April 12

Praying in the Name

Praying in the Name of Jesus takes the pressure off of us!
His Name takes His place; His Name represents Him.
When we pray in His Name, it is the same as if He were praying, as if He were asking!

For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I AM in the midst of them.
--- Matthew 18:20

My own reflection on this Thought:
* It's easy to pray whenever things are going smoothly according to our plans.
But if things went wrong, there are time that we could hardly create any words of prayers. That's when the time, I keep calling on His Name. It's more effective rather than pushing yourself so hard to pick beautiful words to pray.
God understands us, whenever we felt we couldn't speak anything, just call His Name. His Name is powerful!
Keep on praying no matter what happens in our life! (-fon-)

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