Tuesday, September 29, 2009

TOTD, September 29


Two persons enter the same restaurant. One is wearing such a simple t-shirt and short pants, not branded ones. The waiter looks down on him, afraid that he doesn’t have enough money to pay.

While the other one is wearing branded stuffs. From head to toe. All international designers labels. The waiter serves him in a very different way compared with the first customer.

We often act like the waiter. We often judge people from their appearance only. But many times we’re wrong.

If only the waiter know that the first person is richest person in town trying to get out of his lavishness of life by making a different appearance to public… He’s getting sick of the media and the lack of privacy, that's why he’s doing some ‘disguise’ thing, what would the waiter do?

If only the waiter know that the second person is a con man, a person who has all of the branded things by doing evil things: cheating, credit card fraud, etc, what will he do?

Too many times we judge only on the appearance…Do not judge or measure too much… We’ll be ashamed if at the end we know that we’re so wrong. (-fon-)

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

--- Matthew 7:2

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