Saturday, March 28, 2020

TODAY, 28 Maret 2020: As We Hope In You (Seperti Kami Berharap Kepada-Mu)

TODAY, 28 Maret 2020: 

As We Hope In You (Seperti Kami Berharap Kepada-Mu)

As we put our hope in You, Lord...
Even in the midst of uncertainties...
Your Love will see us through...
No words can get enough to express...
Our gratitude to You...

Seperti kami berharap kepada-Mu, Tuhan...
Bahkan di dalam ketidakpastian...
Kasih-Mu mampu menguatkan kami...
Tak ada kata yang cukup untuk mengungkapkan...
Rasa syukur kami kepada-Mu...

Being in ups and downs of this life...
Many times, we're just reminded...
Again and again...
That: You're the only One that we look up to...
The One that We can turn to...

In the stormy days of our life....

Menjalani naik-turunnya kehidupan...
Banyak kali, kami diingatkan kembali...
Lagi dan lagi...

Bahwa: hanya ENGKAULAH satu-satunya yang kami kagumi...
Satu-satunya tempat kami mengadu...
Dalam hari-hari yang diliputi badai di hidup ini...

We thank YOU, Lord for Your  Kindness...
What would we do without You?
As we hope in You...
We offer our prayers to You...
Let Your Holy Spirit guide us though...

Kami bersyukur, Tuhan untuk Kebaikan-Mu...
Tanpa-Mu, kami sungguh tak tahu harus bagaimana...
Seperti kami berharap kepada-Mu...

Kami persembahkan doa-doa kami kepada-Mu...
Biarlah Roh Kudus-Mu memimpin kami...

Thank You, Lord...
We thank You...

As we hope in You...
We found a new strength to move on in this life.

Terima kasih, Tuhan...
Kami sungguh berterima kasih pada-Mu...
Seperti kami berharap kepada-Mu...
Kami temukan kekuatan baru untuk melangkah di hidup ini.
(-fon-)/ Fonny Jodikin

Kasih setia-Mu, ya TUHAN, kiranya menyertai kami, seperti kami berharap kepada-Mu.
--- Mazmur 33:22

Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.
--- Psalm 33:22

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