Tuesday, October 16, 2007

TOTD, Oct.17

Believe the Word

Believe what the Word says you are, and that is what you will become. Believe what the devil says you are through listening to others and through negative thinking, and you will become that. The choice is yours.

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...
--- Proverbs 23:7

My own reflection on this Thought:
* You're worthy. God has created you within His Plan. Your existence in this world is not a coincidence or accidental.
But if you look into the reality, maybe it says differently. Or if you meet some people who always speak negative words, you might find that they talk differently with what you're supposed to believe. In this case, which one should you believe?
Disregard all the facts in this world, we need to reassure ourselves once again that GOD REALLY WANTS US IN THIS WORLD! Just believe in Him and re-program yourself with a new compact disc that plays over and over again in your heart saying that you're worthy :). (-fon-)

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