Sunday, September 16, 2007

TOTD, Sept.17

Mercy Produces Mercy

People are not perfect, and to expect them to be is frustrating for everyone involved. We must learn to be generous with mercy and to sow seeds of mercy (give mercy to others) so we can reap mercy (receive mercy from others) when we need it.

"Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy."
--- Matthew 5:7

My own reflection on this Thought:
* In one stage of my life, I always want everyone to be perfect. And to tell you the truth, it is very stressful. And then entering this marriage life, I learned a lot about mercy, about forgiveness. I would be the who suffers if I continue my expectation about people's perfection.
Because I realized, I myself am not perfect either. That's why I should forgive others because I'm not perfect and can do mistakes easily now and then.
Learn to give more mercy to others and you'll find that this life of yours is less stressful. I'm sure it will be more beautiful! (-fon-)

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