Tuesday, October 7, 2014

TODAY, October 08- Be Thankful in Everything

Be Thankful in Everything

Yesterday, I read a wonderful book from the library for my children at home. 
The title is: Rufus and Ryan  Give Thanks by Kathleen Long Bostrom.
In this book, Ryan and his monkey-doll which called Rufus couldn't go outside because of the rain.
His mom suggested him to go around the house and thank God for everything He found.

Ryan started from the kitchen, " Thank you, God, for apples and bananas... and milk."
And in some parts of the house, he kept thanking the Lord.
Finally, in his bedroom, Ryan was thankful for the pillows, blankets, and sweet dreams.

I smiled while I was reading this book.
Thanksgiving could be done everywhere.
Of course, if our heart is filled with love and thankfulness to the Lord, this won't be difficult thing to do.
God has been so good to us, let's thank Him in everything that He has granted us with!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
--- 1 Chronicle 16:34

Bersyukur Untuk Segala Hal

Kemarin, saya membacakan sebuah buku yang bagus dari perpustakaan buat anak-anak di rumah. 
Judulnya: Rufus and Ryan Give Thanks karya Kathleen Long Bostrom. 
Di buku ini, Ryan dan boneka monyet miliknya yang bernama Rufus, tidak bisa keluar rumah karena hujan. 
Ibunya menyarankan untuk berkeliling rumah dan mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan.

Ryan mulai dari dapur, " Terima kasih, Tuhan untuk buah apel dan pisang dan susu..."
Di beberapa bagian rumah lainnya, dia teruskan ungkapan syukurnya.
Terakhir, di kamar tidurnya, Ryan bersyukur atas bantal, selimut, dan mimpi indahnya.

Saya tersenyum saat membacakan buku ini.
Betapa rasa syukur bisa kita ungkapkan di mana saja.
Tentunya, jika hati kita diliputi kasih dan rasa terima kasih kepada Allah, hal itu bukan sesuatu yang sulit.
Tuhan sudah begitu baik bagi kita, mari bersyukur dalam segala hal yang diberikan-Nya!

Bersyukurlah   kepada TUHAN, sebab Ia baik! Bahwasanya untuk selama-lamanya kasih setia-Nya.
--- 1 Tawarikh 16:34

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