Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TODAY, May 21- Live in Harmony

Live in Harmony

It's just so easy for us to be envious or angry because of others' success.
From an internet website in Singapore that I came across yesterday, I read that nowadays people are easily felt being compared one another with the wide-spreading of social media.
If last time the comparison was only when there's some family events, now automatically with the social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Path, or Instagram, we can see other people's life and their activities.
Where they are eating or what kind of travelling that they've been doing...
Suddenly, the feeling of being a 'loser' might appear when we haven't experienced those things.

In handling this matter, we need self-control, drawing ourselves nearer to the Lord and always learn to stay thankful.
May God grant us patience and encouragement that will motivate us to live in harmony.
Keep on believing if we've done our best, God will also provide His very best-of course in His perspective.
Everyone got their own problems.
No need to be envy.  

May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus.
--- Romans 15:5

Hidup Harmonis

Begitu mudah kita menjadi iri atau marah karena keberhasilan orang lain.
Dari sebuah situs yang saya baca kemarin di Singapura ini, begitu mudah orang merasa dibandingkan satu sama lain, dengan sosial-media yang meluas seperti sekarang ini.
Jika perbandingan zaman dulu hanyalah bila ada acara keluarga, sekarang otomatis dengan media sosial semisal Facebook, Twitter, Path, atau Instagram, kita bisa melihat kehidupan orang lain dan aktivitas mereka. 
Mereka tengah makan di mana atau jalan-jalan ke negara mana.
Dengan cepat kita merasa 'kalah' jika belum mengalami hal tersebut.

Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan pengendalian diri, mendekatkan diri pada Tuhan dan terus belajar bersyukur.
Semoga Allah memberikan kita ketabahan dan penghiburan dan mendorong kita untuk hidup harmonis.
Percaya bila kita sudah lakukan yang terbaik, Tuhan akan sediakan yang terbaik pula di mata-Nya.
Setiap orang punya masalahnya sendiri-sendiri.
Tak perlu iri hati.

Semoga Allah, yang memberikan ketabahan dan penghiburan kepada manusia, menolong kalian untuk hidup dengan sehati, menuruti teladan Kristus Yesus.
--- Roma 15:5

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