Fear of the Lord and the Knowledge of
Dear God, may
all the wisdom and intelligence that we have as Your gifts for us…
May they bring
us to get close to You…
So we can
understand the fear of the Lord…
Always do our
best to do your commands and to stay away from sins..
And may we
always keep our faith…
May we always
become Your Children whom You’ll be proud of. (-fon-)
My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
2 making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
3 yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
4 if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
and treasure up my commandments with you,
2 making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
3 yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
4 if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
---- Proverbs 2:1-5
akan Tuhan dan Pengenalan akan Allah
Tuhan, semoga semua hikmat dan kepandaian yang
ada pada kami sebagai karunia-Mu…
Semakin membawa kami untuk mendekat pada-Mu…
Sehingga kami beroleh pengertian akan takut akan
Berusaha terus menjalankan perintah-Mu dan
menjauhi larangan-Mu…
Dan berusaha terus mempertahankan iman kami
Semoga kami pun akan terus jadi anak-anak
kebanggaan-Mu. (-fon-)
Hai anakku, jikalau engkau menerima perkataanku
dan menyimpan perintahku di
dalam hatimu, 2:2 sehingga telingamu memperhatikan
hikmat, dan engkau mencenderungkan hatimu kepada kepandaian, 2:3 ya, jikalau engkau berseru kepada
pengertian , dan
menujukan suaramu kepada kepandaian, 2:4 jikalau engkau mencarinya seperti
mencari perak, dan mengejarnya seperti mengejar harta terpendam, 2:5 maka engkau akan memperoleh pengertian
tentang takut akan TUHAN dan mendapat pengenalan akan Allah.
--- Amsal
The Greatest Wisdom
The greatest
wisdom comes from the Lord.
No matter how
wise a person might be…
Without Lord,
he won’t be complete…
Lord, grant us
with the wisdom, so we might live according to Your Ways.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding
--- Proverbs 2:6
Kebijaksanaan Terbaik
yang terbaik berasal dari Tuhan.
Tak peduli
betapa bijaksananya seseorang…
Selama tanpa
Tuhan, dia takkan lengkap (baca: sempurna)
anugerahkanlah kami kebijaksanaan, sehingga kami terus hidup menurut jalan-Mu.
Tuhanlah yang memberikan hikmat, dari
mulut-Nya datang pengetahuan dan kepandaian.
--- Amsal 2:6
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