The Truth
I read Bo Sanchez's book, 7 Secrets to Real Freedom, he pointed out some interesting things there:
We're all hypocrites. We're all wearing masks. We're all hiding something.
Believe me, I've met very religious people in the world who seem so holy on the outside, yet deep within, are hiding something. Perhaps it's pornography. Or adultery. Or a drinking problem. Or gambling. Or an approval-addiction. Or a huge temper problem. Or food addiction. And if it's not a hidden addiction, perhaps it's a crisis of faith. Or a depression. Or a debilitating self-doubt. Or an ugly resentment. Or a crippling insecurity. Or a financial crisis. Or a marriage breakdown.
And from my experience, the more spiritually arrogant, judgmental and self-righteous a person is, the darker his secrets are.
I read Bo Sanchez's book, 7 Secrets to Real Freedom, he pointed out some interesting things there:
We're all hypocrites. We're all wearing masks. We're all hiding something.
Believe me, I've met very religious people in the world who seem so holy on the outside, yet deep within, are hiding something. Perhaps it's pornography. Or adultery. Or a drinking problem. Or gambling. Or an approval-addiction. Or a huge temper problem. Or food addiction. And if it's not a hidden addiction, perhaps it's a crisis of faith. Or a depression. Or a debilitating self-doubt. Or an ugly resentment. Or a crippling insecurity. Or a financial crisis. Or a marriage breakdown.
And from my experience, the more spiritually arrogant, judgmental and self-righteous a person is, the darker his secrets are.
Well, it might be quite shocking fact for all of
us. But, Bo Sanchez has already preached since he was 13 and I do think that he
has seen much of those things he mentioned above.
First thing that we need to do is to admit that we have some masks that we're wearing. And realizing them. After that, Bo also suggested that we need to have the guts to take the lifelong journey of unmasking the darkness within us and to receive freedom from those negative things.
We need to seek the real truth in our one true God, and then take a quick step in getting ourselves free from all of the negativity.
God will show us the way, but of course we need to cooperate with Him along the way.
First thing that we need to do is to admit that we have some masks that we're wearing. And realizing them. After that, Bo also suggested that we need to have the guts to take the lifelong journey of unmasking the darkness within us and to receive freedom from those negative things.
We need to seek the real truth in our one true God, and then take a quick step in getting ourselves free from all of the negativity.
God will show us the way, but of course we need to cooperate with Him along the way.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
---John 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
---John 8:32
Saya sempat membaca buku
Bo Sanchez yang berjudul 7 Secrets of Real Freedom, dia memaparkan beberapa hal
yang menarik di sana :
Kita semua adalah orang yang munafik. Kita semua memakai kedok. Kita
semua menyembunyikan sesuatu. Percayalah pada saya, saya bertemu dengan
orang-orang yang sangat religius di dunia ini yang kelihatannya begitu kudus
dari luar, tetapi di dalamnya, menyembunyikan sesuatu. Mungkin itu pornografi.
Mungkin itu perzinahan. Atau seorang alkoholik (problem dengan minuman keras).
Mungkin perjudian. Mungkin kecanduan akan persetujuan (selalu
diterima/disetujui). Atau masalah besar dengan tabiatnya. Atau kecanduan
makanan. Jika bukan kecanduan tersembunnyi, mungkin adalah krisis iman. Atau
depresi. Atau keraguan diri yang melemahkan. Atau kebencian yang mendalam. Rasa
tidak aman yang melumpuhkan. Atau krisis keuangan. Atau hancurnya perkawinan.
Dan dari
pengalaman saya, orang yang semakin memiliki kesombongan rohani, penuh
penghakiman dan selalu membenarkan diri sendiri, semakin gelap pula rahasia
yang disimpannya.
Mungkin kenyataan itu mengejutkan kita.
Tetapi, Bo Sanchez yang sudah berkhotbah dari usia 13 tahun, saya kira sudah
melihat banyak hal seperti yang dia sebutkan di atas.
Hal pertama yang perlu kita perlu lakukan
adalah untuk mengakui bahwa kita punya kedok yang kita pakai. Lalu
menyadarinya. Setelah itu, Bo juga menyarankan agar kita beroleh keberanian
untuk sepanjang hidup kita terus berupaya menanggalkan kegelapan di dalam hidup
kita dan menerima kebebasan dari hal-hal negatif tersebut.
Kita perlu menemukan kebenaran sejati di dalam
Tuhan, untuk kemudian mengambil langkah-langkah pembebasan diri kita dari hal
negatif yang membelenggu.
Tuhan akan menunjukkan jalan-Nya, tetapi tentu
saja kita hendaknya terus bekerjasama dengan-Nya di sepanjang hidup kita.
dan kamu akan
mengetahui kebenaran, dan kebenaran itu akan memerdekakan kamu.
--- Yohanes 8:32