Tuesday, August 2, 2011

TOTD, August 03-The Lord Looks at the Heart

The Lord Looks at the Heart

If we’re wearing Prada- the real/original one- it’s easy for people to look up to us. They will admire us and easily become our friends. And soon we’ll be very popular because the brand itself has set its own standard of luxury.

What if it changed to Nada? Like the movie From Prada to Nada, it reminds me that people might judge us easily based on whatever brand that we wear especially the luxurious ones. People in this world judge us easily by the looks, by the wealth, by the brand, by the popularity, etc.

Luckily, the Lord looks at the heart. That means a lot to me. He loves me just the way I am. And He will love us with all His heart. The world might judge us and made us hurt. But He won’t. Thank God for that. (-fon-)

People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

--- 1 Samuel 16:7

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