Thursday, July 8, 2010

TOTD, July 09

The Art of Listening

LISTENING IS AN ART, a spiritual practice. … Listening speaks to one of our deepest needs, to be understood or feel understood. Yes, we might like people to agree with us, take our side, but it is a great gift when we feel that the person understands us, even if the person does not agree with us. … Listening acknowledges and honor’s the other’s uniqueness with his or her own stories and truths. We each need to tell our story, and we each need to hear the other’s story. Being listened to provides the opening we need to tell our stories, to express feelings and ideas we would otherwise be afraid to voice.

- Thomas Porter
The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation (upper room website).

We might forget that listening is an art. We tend to quick to speak, quick to angry, and slow to listen. Well, it’s the other way around with the bible which encourages us quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Have we put listening as an art? Or we just think that it’s not needed in our daily life? Maybe today’s the day to change for the better. (-fon-)

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry

--- James 1:19

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