Sunday, March 4, 2007

TOTD, March 05

Worrying Steals Today

Worrying about yesterday or tomorrow steals today. you have been given grace for today. Grace for tomorrow will not come until tomorrow, and yesterday's grace is all used up. Grace is an enablement; it is the favor and power of the Holy Spirit to help you do whatever needs to be done. But you cannot get grace ahead of time and store it up.

Your Father in heaven wants you to trust Him for tomorrow. Live today!

So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.
--- Matthew 6:34

My own reflection on this Thought:
* Today's word of God teaches us to be a NOW person. It asks us to leave all the past behind, and put our future in God's hands. And live our today's life happily and full of rejoice. It's not that easy of course, since we got so many plans, so many wishes and hopes for the future, but if God is all the way with us, should we be worry? And about our past, the best thing is to let go and move on, also not an easy thing for some of us, but trust God to help you to get through it. (-fon-)

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